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Writing process

অষ্টম শ্রেণি (দাখিল) - English Grammar and Composition - Composition | NCTB BOOK

The process of writing includes some steps. When you want to write a letter to your friends, relatives or to the Headmaster of your school, you should follow that process. Again, if you want to write a paragraph, composition or a story, you should know about the process. This process will help you to write freely.

Now look at the three main stages of writing process:

The writing process also depends on:

 -  Why you are writing (purpose) 

-  Who are going to read it (e.g. friend, parents, Headmaster, Principal)

-  What are you writing about (content) 

-  Where you are, how much time you have to write, etc. (situation)

In brief, the process of any piece of writing depends on:

  • purpose
  • readers
  • content
  • situation

Let us now, move to the steps in details :


Preparing to write

We need some preparations to write. When we write, we think of the purpose, content and situation of writing. Preparations may also differ. For example, your letter to your friend is different from the letter to your parents. Again, when you are very busy, you send a very short message. But when you are not so busy, you could write a longer text.



Gathering Idea :

Gathering idea or information is essential for your writing. Brainstorming can help you gather your idea.


It means you 'storm' your brain or search your brain for ideas.

Take 5 minutes if you do it alone and take more time if you work with a partner or in a group. This is a very speedy process. So, here you :

   ➤ Write down very quickly.

   ➤ Write down everything that comes to your mind. Don't think if they are useful or not.

   ➤ Write down the main points only.

   ➤ You could write down the points in words or phrases. Never think that you must write sentences.

Now, think about ideas for a paragraph about bees. Look at the following images :

Here you can visualize the following images: 

Thus the following points can come into your head from brainstorming :


The next step is Speed Writing

This is a kind of activity for writing freely.

     ➤ Take 5/6 minutes.

     ➤ Write as much as possible on a topic.

     ➤ Write as much as possible on a topic.

     ➤ Continue writing, don't stop until the time is up.

     ➤ Don't worry about correction, spelling or neatness at this stage.


Asking 'Wh' Questions

To collect information, at this stage you can ask yourself 'WH' questions. But, here again, it depends on content. For example, you can ask questions about 'Bees' like : 

     ➤ What are they?

     ➤ What do they do?

     ➤ Where do they live?

     ➤ What do they live on?

     ➤ What do we get from them?

     ➤ How else do they help us?

But here you are writing as much as possible. So, don't think much about grammatical rules, structures, spelling, and punctuation. Look at the sample speed writing on 'Bees'.

Bees are insects. They are hardworking and quick.

They are flying from flowers to flowers. They make honey. 

We take honey.

It is very tasty and sweet. They live in bee hives.

They take honey and save honey.  Many people collect and sell honey. 

Collecting honey is not easy.

The next step of your writing is 'planning'.



After brainstorming, asking 'WH' questions to yourself and speed writing, you have got your topic, sufficient ideas, and information in mind in your notes. Now it is time to make a plan for your writing.

Planning includes :

     ➤The length of the writing
     ➤ Number of paragraphs
     ➤ How should I introduce the topic?
     ➤ Which information should go first, second and the rest?
     ➤How should I conclude?


The actual writing begins with 'drafting'. In drafting, you will carry out your planning. Drafting needs revision. So you can allow space after every line.

Below is a sample drafting of a paragraph on bees.

Bees are insects. They fly flower to flower to collect honey. They live in bee hives. They deposit honey there. There are some people, who collect honey from bee hives. They sell honey. We eat honey. It is very tasty, sweet and good for health. Collecting honey is not easy. People get stung by bees ---------



It is the last stage before we produce the actual writing. You can revise while drafting or after you have finished drafting. When you revise, you must consider:

➤ if it is appropriate for the reader.
➤ if it clearly states your purpose.
➤ if it is well-organized.
➤ if it contains all things you wanted to write.

                                Understanding the Organization of Writing


A paragraph is a group of sentences about one topic. There are three parts of a paragraph. These are :

➤ The Introduction

➤ The Middle

➤ The Conclusion

Their position is sequential. Below is the diagram of a paragraph.



Introduction/Topic Sentence

The introduction of a paragraph contains an introductory sentence. It is called a topic sentence. Generally a paragraph begins with it. The topic sentence introduces your topic.

To write a good topic sentence :

➤ State the topic clearly so that the reader can understand what you are going to write about.

➤  Your topic sentence should be attractive.



The middle of a paragraph contains supporting ideas. Here you narrate, explain and thus support what you said in the introduction. It should contain the details of your description.


To write the middle :

➤ Narrate everything you want to write about your topic.
➤ If needed, classify your ideas.
➤ Put them clearly one after another and make a link between them.



It is the last part of your paragraph. Here you make a final say about your topic. To write a conclusion - avoid repetition and sum up your ideas.

Below is a sample paragraph with different parts :

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